Saturday 8 August 2015

Pastor's pen 2nd August 2015

Pastor’s pen:  Pencilling in some Divine Appointments

Life is so busy. Sometimes to stop and reflect on what we have crammed into our days may give us pause to reflect on the distinct lack of margin in our schedule. The temptation is to feel most important and purposeful when our schedules are chock-a-block. The danger is, however, if we leave no space in our daily list of to-do’s that we end up rushing past many potentially life-changing opportunities that we are too busy to even recognise. But the reality is that God has ordained opportunities for us to connect with people; occasions that often open the door for us to witness to the truth about Jesus. These are divine appointments that God wants us to pencil in to our daily schedule.

1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  We may be racing through life and thinking we never have any opportunities arise that give us the opportunity to share the hope we have in Jesus, but note the part of the verse that says “everyone who asks you”. In order for someone to feel safe enough to ask us why we can be so hopeful we actually have to stop have a conversation and, ready for it, LISTEN to them!

Over the past few weeks I have had quite a few opportunities arise in which I have been able to share my hope with people. But this has not been possible without first listening to them. These opportunities have been in waiting rooms, hospital wards and even on aeroplanes. But just because the person we strike up a conversation with opens the door for us to speak about Jesus, that doesn’t mean we take that opportunity in an arrogant or a prideful way. The verse in 1 Peter finishes by saying we should be doing our sharing, “…with gentleness and respect…”

Ultimately the results of our sharing with others is up to God’s working in the situation and that is why we need to be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying, to know whether this is a divine appointment presenting itself. But in order to sense the Holy Spirit’s promptings we need to leave some margin in our schedules so we aren’t so busy rushing to the next thing that we miss the opportunity to pencil in a Divine Appointment.
Ps Steve

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