Sunday 25 October 2015

Pastor's Pen 25 Oct 2015

“Learning from our children”

Babies are cute. Apart from the smelly nappies and the intrusions to normal sleeping patterns they are fairly easy going (mostly). But babies grow up. We want them to. It would be no good for a baby to stay a baby forever. But in that process of growing up the parent is thrown into the deep end of shaping the future maturity of little individuals, teaching right from wrong, respectful behaviours and cultivating wholesome desires (for food, entertainment etc).

In the process of raising our children, one of the very fundamental disciplines taught is obedience. Without the one fundamental attribute instilled in the child, all future attempts at training and equipping for maturity will fail. While it is the most basic of fundamentals it is the one that takes the most ongoing work.

We can learn a lot about our own journey of faith as a child of God from these experiences we have in teaching our own children. For each one of us the most important thing we can learn as Christians is to be obedient to what God says. Without it we will never mature; we will continue to make the same mistakes and we will ultimately end up back in rebellion.

No parent finds a rebellious child attractive. So why do we think it is OK to ignore God and still think we are going alright. 1 Peter 1:14-15 says, “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct…”  In other words, if you want to grow up and be like your (heavenly) Father, you need to start by obeying what he says. That way you will end up being more like him.

We can see the value in teaching our children the right way to go. But we should also take a lesson from the lessons we are teaching them. We are all being trained by a heavenly Father who wants us to become mature people of faith, living lives of purity and power. But to get there we have to start by doing what our Father says. There is nothing more pleasing than a child who has learned to be obedient!

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