Sunday 13 September 2015

PASTOR'S PEN 6th September 2015 "A Godly father-figure"

So it's Father’s Day. On this day we can pause to reflect on what is a Godly take on Fathers Day? I was at a luncheon on Wednesday that sought to honour fathers in exercising their role and I saw a number of dads that could well be described as good role models.

But while we can certainly be shaped and encouraged by the influence of our peers we should also look beyond the good but imperfect example of others to the example God himself sets as Father. A neat picture of God our Father can be found in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-31). While we often look at the story from the sons perspective, the Father shows us some Godly examples to draw on.

Firstly, the father wanted the best for his son but he wasn't controlling. When the son asked for his inheritance the father didn't start manipulating, but seemingly with great sadness he allowed his son to exercise his free choice. God also allows us to make choices, and we should never think that that we need to make all the choices for our children. It takes faith to let go and let our children make their journey. We need to teach our children truth and set boundaries for them as little ones, but there comes a time when we have to entrust them to God.

Secondly, we see from the father  he didn’t stop caring. While he had surrendered control the father’s compassion never waned and he never stopped hoping for his sons safe return. This is the essence of every healthy relationship; it is the essence of love. Not having to control the other person but always having the door open for them to respond freely with love, gratitude and respect. So whether we are a father, a son, a daughter or a spouse or whatever, the godly example we can glean is to always operate out of a heart of compassion, without taking on the spirit of control.

Yet in all relationships, rejection can hurt. That is also why we can draw our final godly example from the prodigals father: forgiveness. Forgiveness is the most powerful aspect of love that sits right alongside sacrifice in every relationship; God’s relationship with us and our relationship with each other. There are many people, even church people who are being controlled by the anti-Christ spirit of  un-forgiveness. But if we are truly Christ ones or Christians than  we should be operating in the same heart of our Heavenly Father, whose heart of forgiveness is modelled by the father of the prodigal. Yes, we may have been hurt but forgiveness is key for the one thing that is so important to God, unbroken relationship.

The story in Luke offers  an example for fatherhood as well as an example of  Godliness no matter who  we are. A few aspects of what that looks like includes: letting go of control, nurturing a heart of compassion and exercising a spirit of forgiveness. These three things will enhance who you are, father or not.    

 Ps. Steve

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